Rev Sanders

Reverend Kevin Dwayne Sanders, Senior Pastor

Kevin Dwayne Sanders is the Senior Pastor and Founder of New Directions Missionary Baptist Church, Hitchcock, TX. From its initial membership of 7, New Directions Missionary Baptist Church is growing into a thriving congregation. Pastor Sanders is a native Galvestonian, and his higher education includes Prairie View A&M, College of the Mainland and religious studies at College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas. He was a faithful member of Barbour’s Chapel Baptist Church in Texas City, TX for over twenty years. While at Barbour’s, he accepted his mandate to the Ministry on January 24, 2001. He served as an Associate Minister for nine years; and was subsequently asked to help organized and serve as the first Director of the Young Adult Ministry known as Y.A.M. Pastor Sanders’ philosophy of ministry is to preach and teach in season and out of season to all who are Lost, and to energize the Saved to continue to worship God in Spirit and in Truth and to share the Good News that Christ is Mighty to Save. Pastor Sanders is a compassionate family man of integrity and honesty. He is very strong in the faith with a strong Bible knowledge of the scriptures and full of the Holy Spirit. His main gifts are expository preaching, teaching, counseling, and directing the youth of the community to Christ through basketball and baseball athletics. Pastor Sanders was the Founder, Director and Coach of both the Mainland Hoops Boys and Girls Basketball Team Organization for ages 4 – 17 years old and League City Kings Basketball Boy Team (ages 10 – 17 years old). Besides teaching and playing basketball, the youth were taught leadership skills, conflict resolution skills, teamwork skills and the promotion of Christian values. His greatest strength and encourager is his wife, Connie Sanders, First Lady, who is an anointed and wise woman of God. Pastor Sanders and Lady Sanders exemplify strong family values and believe the church is only as strong as its families. The Lord continues to use the anointed duo to make a change in the lives of people through their teaching and speaking ministry. Pastor Sanders believes the church will grow through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, bible based teaching, expository preaching, true total worship, faithfulness, soul winning, relationship building, consistent tithing and persistent powerful praying. They have four children, Charmaine Sanders, Brandon Sanders, Kameron Sanders and Kevin Sanders, two daughters-in-law, Kelsey and Kelsia and one grandchild, CaBrion.